Payment settlements are required either occasionally or permanently and can be carried out through transfers.
A transfer can be used as follows:
• Occasionally – for ad-hoc requirements ;
• Permanently – for recurring or regular needs that require a repetitive transfer towards the same recipient.
• Widespread: transfers are a widespread mode of payment because they are simple, secure, inexpensive, fast, flexible, customisable.
• Fast: for payments in Vietnam, beneficiary’s account can be credited on the same day thanks to our direct participation in IBPS system (CITAD) – a nation-wide local clearing system and VCB-Money – an internet payment services of Vietcombank – a largest local bank in Vietnam.
• Flexible: For all multicurrency transactions, you can choose between EUR, USD, AUD, CAD, CHF, GBP, HKD, SGD, JPY, THB, NOK or SEK.
Payment of salaries
Why not avail yourself an simple solution for your company’s payment of salaries?
A very simple way to perform your salary payment at your own periodical frequency without agreement signed.
How does it work ?
An excel sheet sample shall be provided where you will have to input the bank account details of your employees.
The soft copy and duly signed and stamped instructions will have to be handed over to the Bank for the payment of salaries.
• This payment facility enables a consolidated management of your operations.
• You have the flexibility of sending us your payment of salaries as and when convenient to you.
• For payments in Vietnam, salaries can be credited to respective employees’ accounts on the same day thanks to our direct participation in IBPS system (CITAD) – a nation-wide local clearing system and VCB-Money – an internet payment services of Vietcombank – a largest local bank in Vietnam.

Current account:
A current account enables all essential transactions: payment of your suppliers, salaries, local and international transfers, among others. You can open a Corporate Current Account in either VND or foreign currency (USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, etc..)
Features and Benefits:
• Able to do all transactions banking (such as: deposit, withdrawn, transfer for supplier…)
• Able to utilize for cash pledge account, guarantee…
• Flexible to utilize account with high non-term deposit interest rate
• Automatic notification of transaction through internet banking
• Account Statements are downloadable, free of charge via internet banking
*More information:
Please contact Corporate Banking Dept via phone No.(+84-28) 3932 0827
Web Banking
The Web Banking Solution is available 24/7 in a secured environment. This online banking service makes it quick and easy to fulfil your day-to-day banking requirements.. This module comprises:
• Free registration and competity charges
• User-friendly
• Account consultation, balance consultation, etc.
• Make usual banking operations
• Multi-level validation transfers capable
• Manage your activity (define alerts, email account officer, manage accounts, manage beneficiaries, manage loans and Term Deposits, etc.)
• Download Bank Account Statement
• FX rate monitoring/ FX conversion tool
• 24/24 Access to accounts
• Securing banking system with Virtual Keypad and OTP combination
• Access from everywhere via link