In order to meet your demands of overseas settlement in foreign currency and receving of overseas payment in foreign currency when entering in foreign trade or commercial activities, BPCE IOM will cater with 02 types of foreign exchange contracts:
FX spot
Spot foreign exchange contract: the company will buy/sell foreign currency with value same date or in 02 working days. BPCE deals with all G7 currencies, Asian currencies and currencies of the developing markets (domestic and foreign market). There is no limit to the contract amount. The process for documentation checking is simple and easy to handle.
FX forwards
Forward Foreign exchange contract: to sell or buy a fixed amount in foreign currency with a fixed and negotiated exchange rate (at the negotiation date) and the settlement of the contract will be performed in the agreed period in the future. This is a very simple but effecient method to help you to prevent foreign exchange risk of your settlement of commercial contract in the future. With the fixed foreign exchange rate, you can easily control your cashflow, minimise the risk of foreign exchange rate volatility and calculate your total fee and cost for your products.